In Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve was on the 21st of March 2014 (celebration of World Water Day) organized 9th painting Ex tempore called “Our natural heritage”.Ex tempore was carried out in the frame of project Adriawet 2000 ”Adriatic wetlands for Natura 20002” and prepared by Primary school Elvira Vatovec Prade, DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia, Municipality of Koper, Society of art educators and Piran Coastal Galleries.
Ex tempore was attended by 56 artists, schoolchildren from 9 primary schools of the Coastal–Karst region, painting groups of the Andragogic Society »Morje« Izola and Center for social services Koper.
Artistic creation was followed by opening of the painting exhibition and announcement of best art works.
We awarded three prizes and three golden awards:
Prizes were awarded to: Spela ROZMAN 8. class, Primary school dr. Bogomir Magajne Divača, Dea KOLENC, 8. class, Primary school Lucija, Keti VELJKOVIČ, 9. class, Primary school Elvira Vatovec Prade and
Golden awards received: Anastasia ŠIK, 9. class, Primary school Elvira Vatovec Prade, Hana PERKAT, 7. class, Primary school Livade Izola, Neža ŠKAMPERLE, 7. class, Primary school dr. Bogomirja Magajne Divača